Sunday, August 16, 2009

(New Teacher) Orientation

Tomorrow, my brother heads back up to college to prepare for O-Week (Orientation Week--for new students).  This is something I was a part of for all four years of college.  Embarking on tomorrow's New Teacher Orientation, 400 miles from the serene college life, I wonder how similar those two O-experiences might be.

Let's see.  In Freshman orientation at school, we always (arguably ad nauseum) learn the Fish philosophy, borrowed from the Pike Place fish market in Seattle, which teaches four simple skills for doing customer service-y things that you're not necessarily having a blast with.

1) Be there.
2) Play.
3) Make their day.
4) Choose your attitude.

Simple enough.  And probably applicable for working with students---who I certainly do not and will never view as customers---just as I never viewed my freshmen and women peers as customers, either.  

What else?

Johnny the bagger.  Overly, overly, overly sappy, buta good message about how each person can do a tiny thing that makes a big difference. Yadda yadda, I sound very Mr. Rogers right now. It's late. And... I'm trying to get into Mr. Rogers mode.  Which  I think means getting rid of my trucker mouth.  And getting some neighbors.  And some sweater vests.

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